Friday, September 28, 2012

Question Rules

Each year I start my ELA(that's some common core for ya) with a question rules lesson. I read Miss Smith's Incredible Storybook, a book I LOVE about bringing reading alive. I give them a question, literal comprehension, to answer. We go over the question rules...

#1 use the characters names
#2 restate the question
#3 answer the questions-all parts
#4 provide details- go back in the book
#5 is it your best effort.

This sets the stage for the year. Any time I grade the work I simply write QR#2 and etc.

The student copy this into their reading notebook and have color printed copies everywhere: homework planner, take home folder, pencil box; you get the picture.

Have a great weekend buddies!


  1. Hi Damien, I love your question rules and I love that you teach your class what you expect when you ask them comprehension questions. It is funny how different minds work, I would have called them "Response Rules" because you are making rules for how they RESPOND to a question. I find that I also need to train my kids in "asking questions" (what are appropriate questions, what words do we use to gain the info we want, when to ask questions) so I already have 'question rules'... I do like these rules, though. I can see them on an anchor chart, in the kids' books etc.
    Thanks for sharing a great strategy!

  2. Hi- Great idea! I really do like the idea of renaming them response rules.

    I have them anchor charted, in their reading notebook, and in their take home folder for reference at home. I really think it provides the kids with guidance when trying to respond to a question.

    Once this is down pat we dive deep into COMMON CORE and work on pulling evidence from the novel to support our thinking.

