Friday, July 17, 2015

And We're Movin' On

Hello buddies-  

Some BIG changes for the Reading Buddies occurred the end of this year that kept us away from our little blog here.  Let me catch you up.

I teach fifth grade and have done so for 9 years, except the one year I went to fourth to loop to fifth.  I LOVE fifth grade!  I LOVE the kids, I LOVE that they are mini adults, I LOVE being their last year at my school, I LOVE the books, and I LOVE that they are mine for 6 hours a day.  That last "LOVE" was added on purpose-keep that in mind.  

Our district has been talking about departmentalizing fourth and fifth grade four about two years now.  Last year they piloted it in four schools and with zero data whatsoever- no PARCC scores, no DRA comparisons, NOTHING- they decided to departmentalize next year.  I am sure that there are many wonderful things to being a departmentalized teacher but it is NOT for me. My slogan has been "If I wanted to teach a subject instead of a child I'd be a middle school teacher". So, with no say on departmentalization (seriously-why does no one ask our opinions?) it was obvious a change was needed and I requested a grade level change to a non-departmentalized grade level which meant I would be a K-3 teacher-YIKES!

When the chips fell it wound up I was going to teach 2nd grade.  I was excited and nervous as hell.  Now, my good Reading Buddy Kelly teaches 2nd grade at my school so I knew I'd have someone to help me along the rough parts as I adjusted to such  younger grade and was super excited to be her grade level partner.  For about three weeks we chatted, tossed ideas around, I started pinning my Safari theme ideas, and was preparing to move my room to the other side of the building.  Then the whole school was called to a staff meeting- UH OH!  Well the details are monotonous, but all you need to know is this Reading Buddy was left hanging for three days!  I know that doesn't sound like a lot but it was KILLING me not knowing what I would be teaching.  When all was said and done- GOODBYE Kelly and 2nd grade and HELLO 3rd grade. That's right- next year I will be a third grade teacher.  
All this came down and now lives in my basement-BYE Harry Potter theme!

I'm super excited now (though still mourning not working with Kelly a little bit). Third grade is definitely more my "wheelhouse" and what I "do" as a teacher.  Plus Kelly and I can stay Reading Buddies!!! (YIPPE). Now it was time to say Goodbye to my last fifth grade class, a class I looped with and LOVED and get ready for a new grade level and a new classroom theme. Let's just say I was an emotional mess for all of June.  More tissues were used, more cookies eaten, and more stressful breathes taken than ever before.  However now I'm ready! 

Ready to be a third grade teacher. 
Ready to say goodbye to fifth grade. 
Ready to say GOODBYE to Hogwarts. 
Ready for a new adventure! 

Will you join me on my new adventure? 

P.S.- If you follow us on Instagram, TPT, or Pinterest (TheReadingBuddies) you already know my new theme,but for those of you who don't follow us (what are you waiting for- JK)- STAY TUNED!


  1. I am glad you are settled on what you will teach next year. I don't understand why schools and districts put their teachers through turmoil at the end of each year.

    I wish you the best school year ever.
    Artistry of Education

    1. Thanks so much! I am quite excited about it now. I think saying bye to the kids I had for two years, taking down my theme of 7 years, and my coteacher moving out-combined with the wrong song on Spotify put me over the edge. Lol

      Now I'm super excited!
      Thanks for the well wishes!
