Sunday, July 26, 2015

And the baskets are PINK!

Hello buddies-

So as I've mentioned before, I am changing grade levels. If you've change grade levels before that this post is going to cause quit a bit of head-nodding and if you haven't changed grade levels than read this post as a cautionary tale. 

So, I'm excited to change grade level and move from fifth to third. You should also know that I am a bit of a work horse and was excited for the challenge that comes along with it. I've found piles of books to read as read alouds. I have my new Writing Workshop units of study and have already finished reading and taking notes on the first unit. I have a new theme that I LOVE. I've created a new clip chart, new name tags, new writing chart, ordered posters from Vistaprint. I found new Math games and have read three professional texts about how to improve my craft.  I'm preparing and LOVING it!

So one day last week I stopped in my completed classroom.  I lucked out since I usually can't get into my room until mid August but the custodial gods were in my favor this year.  All the Harry stuff was gone and I started prepping and organizing materials. I printed! I laminated! I cut!  Things were going well. 

Then I uncovered my classroom libraries. I had planned on putting away all the fifth grade level books and making room for some new third grade level books for my incoming kids and then I noticed it!  Yup! I can't believe I didn't notice it before. In al the planning to change themes and grade levels I didn't even notice it. How could I miss it?!

 The baskets were PINK!!!!!!

You see when I had a Harry Potter themed classroom I tried to get everything in blue, silver, and purple.  Very magical-right? However, baskets at my dollar store were scarce so I wound up with blue, sky blue, and pink. It worked, I accepted it! Pink is kind of purple-right? Well now I couldn't possibly have pink baskets in my red, blue, and yellow superhero classroom!!!! I wouldn't be able to look that library straight in the face ever again. It would haunt me every single day-EVERY day! So I set off to THREE different Dollar Trees and there were no baskets that met my needs. They were either too small, weirdly shaped, or  not the right colors. What am I Goldilocks? What's a teacher to do?!?!?!

Head to Home Depot for a library basket makeover project! 

These are the light blue and pink baskets from the Harry Potter themed classroom
I had when I was a Fifth Grade teacher. Cute-but not very superhero-like, right?
The light blue became yellow.
And the pink became red. 


Here is the project underway. 

Here they are- don't they look SUPER Heroic and will be great next to
the dark blue baskets I already have in my library.

The lesson I learned from this basket freakout and makeover project- when life hands you a classroom theme makeover catastrophe, grab your spray paint and get rid of the pink!

I've got quite a few makeover projects ready planned for this Summer, so stay tuned for what comes next!

Your Buddy, 


  1. I hate when I find something cute but the colors just do not work for what I want. Thank goodness for spray paint though! Love your red and yellow for a Super Hero theme.
    The Chalkboard Garden

    1. Isn't it the worst Kayla! either the colors worked or the size/shape worked but never both!

      This was the best of both worlds and kept me busy!

  2. I loop a lot. I always enjoy the challenge of going to a new grade level. It definitely keeps you on your toes, but it can be time consuming. I'm staying in 5th again which I love, but third grade is a super fun grade too. They are still so sweet then and soak up everything you put in front of them. The best loop I ever had was a third to fourth and then fourth to fifth. Three years with the same group was magical! Good luck in your new grade!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. Thanks so much! I loved the group I looped with and would have happily kept them for a third year! I was looking to loop again but it isn't currently in the cards, but I would definitely do it again.

      That being said I am SUPER excited (and a little nervous) about moving to third. It will be a much needed change and a challenge I am looking forward to taking!

      Thanks for your kids words.

  3. Love the change from pink. Much more fitting! I hate how $ tree changes basket designs every year. I think they do this so teachers who need just one more blue basket are forced to start all over (unless they are smart and spray paint like you).

    I saw another post of yours talking about Jennifer Serravallo. I didn't know who she was until I saw her at ILA. I just wrote a post about it.

    My Bright Blue House

    1. It very well could be a Dollar Tree conspiracy- lol!
